Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Why Blog?

So what is the point of blogging if no body follows or leaves comments to help you out? Or just give their opinions? I guess its pointless.... so no more from me till someone starts giving me feed back... so this is most likely my last blog!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Married but not in love!!

So here i am writing into this endless hole of nowhere! Nobody reads my blogs or ever has any advice for me. So as i sat here and watched a romatic movie tonight like a idiot i have realized that i am still not happy in my marriage but im stuck!! I am now 3,000 miles from my home and have a entire condo to move of my things and my 9 month olds things!!! Which i will never be able to do since i am a stay at home mom and college student! The plan was to finish college by may get a job save up the money and leave. Which i am running behind on schedule for when i wouldve liked to finish my college course! It is like everyday i realize how much more i want a divorce. I feel like a maid or slave if you will. I dont feel love at all! I feel like i disguste my husband since i am not in the best of shape after having my son! I cant even sleep anymore at night! I am so restless! Hence it is 2am right now. I dont know anyone here so i have no friends. I basically do everything my husband needs or wants done and he very rarely helps out with anything! I am miserable as fuck!! But i am stuck and have no idea what to do at all! This is a replay of my only other serious relationship! The only thing is im now legally bound to this one. And i need to be able to support my son and i without any other type of help before i could even think about leaving.... i hate it! Being stuck in this place where i dont want to be! I know its gonna be years before i am happy again! I have been so unhappy for years with little bursts of happiness throughout my lilfe! I just want to be happy and not miserable! And i have come to realize that i am most happy when i am living on my own independently, working, and paying for everything by myself with no man in my life to hold me down or back. So what am i to do? I am only 21 married with a 9 month old son. I have no where to go to unless i have my own job and money. Getting a job wont be a hard thing to do once i am back in Connecticut! But having a baby sitter and enough money to pay for a baby sitter and be able to pay rent, utilites, and everything i will need to support my son and i is the hard part! I need to have thousands of dollars saved up before i go back to connecticut just to be on the safe side! I dont know if anyone has ever been in this situation but im sure someone out there has.... even if you havent but you have some advice that would be great!! At first i was only staying in this marriage for my son so he would have both of his parents in his life since i grew up with my grandparents and my parents havent really ever been there for me. But i think his life would be a  lot better if i wasnt with his father! Not only for him but for me as well! Please someone help me in my time of need with some type of advice!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

San Diego Police

So today my plan was to go to the San Diego Police Department to obtain a police report about my wallet being stolen on March 13, 2010. Cause for some dumb ass reason you can only get a report on wednesdays from 8-3 i think is the hours. Why the fuck would they have that? With how many people live in this shitty state you would think that they would be open at least 5 days a week! Nope of course not everyone seems to like to make life difficult!! So the wait was like a hour and i wasnt gonna sit there and wait with my 8 month old son who loves to explore cause obviously he wouldve gotten very cranky!! What the fuck is it with san diego cops? They seem to be very fucking lazy!! They are always standing around their cruisers talking.... why the fuck arent they out there doing their fucking job.... we might as well have no police! I mean they didnt care that my wallet was stolen and that someone was using my credit card. I went to the places where the ppl used my card and one of the places have footage and the fucks were like we will eventually get to it. So basically when they feel like going hopefully the evidence will still be there since they dont want to get the evidenece now. We really need a new system cause the one we have now is not good! Its pointless and i dont appreciate being treated like well whatever we will eventually review it! So much for protecting us huh?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Super High Me!!!!!!

So i just finished watching Super High Me with my husband! Its a really good movie that shows actual facts about the use of marijuana!! Not bullshit! Its a pretty funny movie! If you are into comedy i reccomend watching it! As well as if you like marijuana or a currently taking it as a perscription!! I have been smoking weed on and off since i was a teenager... i am currently legally to smoke marijuana in California.... there are tons of diagnosis that are eligable to become a medical marijauan paitent! Back in 2000 and something marijuana dispensaries brought in 12 million dollars and if it was taxed the government would have took in $1,000,000.00........ so why is it still federally illegal??? NOT SURE!!! WE all know that the government is money hungery so why wouldnt they want to get their hands on it??? Taking a narcotic like perks, vicodin, dilaudid (not sure if thats how its spelt), and things like that!!!

Heres a video link to part of Super High Me!!!

First time on blogging

Well it is currently 7:20 pm on March 23,2010 and the sun is almost completely set here in San Diego California..... I amand i am not sure what people usualy write about in their blogs. I was actually inspired to start this from the movie Julia completely new to blogging and Julie. Let me add which is a wonderful movie that i have so fell in love with. As i can tell from the movie it seems like you basically just write here like its a journal. Which is something i can most definitely do as well as millions of other people. But i guess that the real question is does anyone really every read these? Am i typing this words into a world of nothing or are people really interested in what other people have to say? I guess i will find out sooner than later. I guess what im really looking for is a way to vent myself and to get advice, and feed back on what i have to say. This could be a really fun and interesting thing for me to do. Considering i never finish what i start! Just like Julie. Anyways...... that is just a little of my thoughts about blogging and how i have come to do this. I guess i will be posting things later. Not sure where to start from but maybe present day would be good. Well i will catch all you bloggers later.